Authentic Multigenerational Australian Labradoodles
Non-Shedding - Hypo-Allergenic - Therapy Temperament
Laid Back - Calm - Loving
Grooming Australian Labradoodles
Labradoodles have coats that will require regular brushing and a set grooming routine. I personally prefer 2-3 times per week for brushing. If your dog's hair is 4" or longer, you may have to brush daily. There are some simple things you can do to make sure your dog’s coat stays free of mats and has a wonderful groomed look. We hope this page helps you keep your dog’s coat in good shape at home in between the visits to your groomer.
Finding an experienced Labradoodle groomer is difficult! The best way to get the results you want is to print photos of your desired look and take them to the groomer. Show your groomer the ALAA Grooming Video and printed instructions found on the ALAA home page:
Grooming Video - (see bottom of the page for printable instructions.)
Some choose to groom their own furbabies. The internet contains a multitude of grooming videos that you can teach yourself for at-home grooming. We frequently see dogs with coats in need of serious help due to failed at home/groomer cuts or unsuccessfully keeping the coat mat free. A matted or butchered-looking Labradoodle is not a very attractive Labradoodle. Severe matting can cause severe discomfort and skin issues. If you are not capable of keeping your dog’s coat in good condition, please budget for professional grooming at least three times a year for the major trimming/clipping, and more frequently for bathing/brushing for those who do not brush their dog at home. The average cost to have a Labradoodle done at a groomer is between $60 and $125 dollars, depending on what you are having done. It will be less for bathing and brushing only than it will for a full trim and clip.
Slicker brush (We prefer ActiVet, Les Pooch, or Chris Christiansen brushes.)
Styptic Powder/Pads (For use if you accidentally cut the quick of the nail down to low and bleeding occurs.)
Curved & Thinning Shears (comes in a set) (Great for use on the legs, muzzle, and head.)
Chunking Shears (Great for use on the legs, muzzle, and head.)
Shampoo (We prefer Nootie Japanese Cherry Blossom shampoo
Refresher spray...the smell lasts forever!
Ear Cleaner (We prefer Epi-Otic cleaning solution.)
Ear Powder (To prevent moisture causing infections.)
Ear Cortisone (Zymox Otic Plus Advanced)
Force Dryer (A TOTAL MUST HAVE!!!!)
If you want to try and do your own full-body scissoring or clipping at home instead of hiring a groomer, we recommend having the following tools:
Andis AGC-2 speed clippers (comes with a #10 blade)
#10 blade (buy an extra one for sanitary areas only)
#40 clipper blade (paw pads for bulk of hair & shaving dam's belly for pregnancy)
#5 Finish blade (FC) - (stomach & inside and backside of back legs
Oster Attachment Combs - (only if wanting to keep coat long)
Spray coolant (For use on the blades during grooming so they do not heat up to hot on dog’s skin.)